Wallis, C. D., Leandro, M. D., Chuang, P. Y., & Wexler, A. S. 2025: Positive and negative emissions from cooling towers, part 2: Particulate matter. Aerosol Science and Technology, 59(3), 253–266. DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2024.2439527.
Gulati, S., Alaniz, M., Mitsiades, N., Parikh, M., Raffuse, S., Keegan, T., Hertz-Picciotto, I., Lara Jr, P.N. and Hussain, S.K. 2024. Association between wildfire PM2.5 and genitourinary cancer survival in California. JCO 42, 10567-10567.
Hand J.L., Prenni A.J., Raffuse S.M., Hyslop N.P., Malm W.C., Schichtel B.A. 2024: Spatial and Seasonal Variability of Remote and Urban Speciated Fine Particulate Matter in the United States. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 129, e2024JD042579. https://doi.org/10.1029/2024JD042579. Published December 2024.
Hass-Mitchell, T., Joo, T., Rogers, M., Benjamin A. Nault, Soong, C., Tran, M., Seo, M., Machesky, J., Canagaratna, M., Roscioli, J., Claflin, M.S., Lerner, B.M., Blomdahl, D.C., Misztal, P.K., Ng, N.L., Dillner, A.M., Bahreini, R., Russel, A., Krechmer, J., Lambe, A., and Gentner, D.R., 2024: Increasing Contributions of Temperature-Dependent Oxygenated Organic Aerosol to Summertime Particulate Matter in New York City, ACS ES&T Air, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsestair.3c00037.
Hyslop N.P., Rosales, C.M.F., Weber, F., Dombek, T.L., Levine, K., McWilliams, A., and Spada, N.J. 2024: A Comparison of XRF and ICP-MS for PM2.5 Elemental Analysis in the Chemical Speciation Network. EM Magazine, Air & Waste Management Association.
Li, E.Y., Yazdani A., Dillner, A. M., Shen, G., Champion, W. M., Jetter, J. J., Preston, W. T., Russell, L. M., Hays, M. D., Takahama, S., 2024: Quantifying Functional Group Composition of Household Fuel Burning Emissions, Atmos. Meas. Tech, https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-17-2401-2024.
Liu, X., Turner, J.R., Oxford, C.R., McNeill, J., Walsh, B., Le Roy, E., Weagle, C.L., Stone, E., Zhu, H., Liu, W., Wei, Z., Hyslop, N.P., Giacomo, J., Dillner, A.M., Salam, A,. Hossen, A., Islam, Z., Abboud, I., Akoshile, C., Amador-Munoz, O., Nguyen-Xuan A., Asfaw, A., Balasubramanian, R., Ying-Wen Chang, R., Coburn, C., Dey, S., Diner, D.J., Dong, J., Farrah, T., Gahungu, P., Garland, R.M., de la Mora, M.G., Hasheminassab, S., John, J., Kim, J., Kim, J.S., Langerman, K., Lee, P.C., Lestari, P., Liu, Y., Mamo, T., Martins, M., Mayol-Bracero, O.L., Naidoo, M., Park, S.S., Schechner, Y., Schofield, R., Tripathi, S.N., Windwer, E., Wu, M.T., Zhang, Q., Brauer, M., Rudich, Y., Martin, R.V. 2024: Elemental Characterization of Ambient Particulate Matter for a Globally Distributed Monitoring Network: Methodology and Implications. EST Air, https://doi.org/10.1021/acsestair.3c00069.
Raffuse, S., O'Neill, S., and Schmidt, R. 2024: A model for rapid PM2.5 exposure estimates in wildfire conditions using routinely available data: rapidfire v0.1.3. Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 381–397, https://doi.org/10.5194/gmd-17-381-2024.
Raparthi, N., Wexler, A.S., and Dillner, A.M. 2024: A Novel Methodology for Assessing the Hygroscopicity of Aerosol Filter Samples, Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, EGUsphere [preprint]. https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-2024-2482.
Rocha, A.S.; Morales, B.; El Mashad, H.M.; Pan, Y.; Zhao, Y.; Mitloehner, F.M. 2024: Effect of Eminex® on Greenhouse Gas and Ammonia Emissions from Dairy Slurry and Lagoon Wastewater. Sustainability 16, 5778. https://doi.org/10.3390/su16135778
Sanghar, G.K., Teuber, M., Ravindran, R., Keller, E.J., Raffuse, S., Hernandez, P., Linderholm, A., Echt, G., Franzi, L., Tuermer-Lee, K. and Juarez, M., 2024: Real-life observation of wildfire-smoke impaired COVID-19 vaccine immunity. medRxiv, pp.2024-10.
Schmidt, R.J., Goodrich, A., Raffuse, S., Tancredi, D.J., Miller, M. and Bennett, D. 2024: Prenatal Wildfire Smoke Exposure and Child Neurodevelopmental and Behavioral Outcomes. ISEE Conference Abstracts (Vol. 2024, No. 1).
Singh, M., Kondo, Y., Ohata, S., Mori, T., Oshima, N., Hyvärinen, A., Backman, J., Asmi, E., Servomaa, H., Schnaiter, F.M., Andrews, E., Sharma, S., Eleftheriadis, K., Vratolis, S., Zhao, Y., Koike, M., Moteki N., & Sinha, P.R. 2024: Mass absorption cross section of black carbon for Aethalometer in the Arctic. Aerosol Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2024.2316173.
Anunciado, M.B., De Boskey, M., Haines, L., Lindskog, K., Dombek, T., Takahama, S., Dillner, A. M. 2023: Stability assessment of organic sulfur and organosulfate compounds in filter samples for quantification by Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy, Atmos. Meas. Tech., volume 16, issue 14 https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-16-3515-2023.
Liu, F., Joo, T., Ditto, J. C., Saavedra, M. G., Takeuchi, M., Boris, A. J., Yang, Y., Weber, R. J., Dillner, A. M., Gentner, D. R., Ng, N. L., 2023: Oxidized and unsaturated: key traits associated with cellular reactive oxygen species production from organic aerosol exposure in the southeastern United States, Env. Sci and Tech. https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.3c03641.
Ostro, B., Spada, N. & Kuiper, H. 2023: The impact of coal trains on PM2.5 in the San Francisco Bay area. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health, 16, 1173–1183, doi.org/10.1007/s11869-023-01333-0. Published on 15 March 2023.
Rosales, C.M.F., Weber, F., Dombek, T.L., Levine, K., McWilliams, A., Spada, N. & Hyslop, N.P. 2023: Evaluating PM2.5 element concentration measurements for a nationwide monitoring network. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, doi.org/10.1080/10962247.2023.2247376. Published on 23 August 2023.
Spada, N.J., Yatkin, S., Giacomo, J., Trzepla, K., Hyslop, N.P. 2023: Evaluating IMPROVE PM2.5 element measurements. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, doi.org/10.1080/10962247.2023.2262417. Published on 16 October 2023.
Hyslop, N.P., Liu, Y., Sinan, Y., Trzepla, K. 2022: Application of the US EPA procedure for determining method detection limits to EDXRF measurement of filter-based aerosol samples. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 10962247.2022.2064005
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Sarkar, C., Spada, N., Xu, S., Shafer, M.M., Hyslop, N.P. 2022: An inter-laboratory comparison of elemental loadings of PM2.5 samples using energy-dispersive XRF and magnetic-sector ICP-MS. Atmospheric Environment, 2022.119463
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Zhang, X., Trzepla, K., White, W., & Hyslop, N.P. 2022: Quantifying residual elemental carbon by thermal-optical analysis using an extended IMPROVE_A protocol with higher maximum temperature. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 72:11, 1316-1325, 2022.119463
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Boris, A.J., Takahama, S., Weakley, A.T., Debus, B.M., Shaw, S.L., Edgerton, E.S., Joo, T., Ng, N.L., Dillner, A.M. 2021: Quantifying organic matter and functional groups in particulate matter filter samples from the southeastern United States - Part 2: Spatiotemporal trends. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 1867-1381, 10.5194/amt-14-4355-2021. Published on 14 June 2021.
O’Neill, S., Diao, M., Raffuse, S., Al-Hamdan, M., Barik, M., Jia, Y., Reid, S., Zou, Y., Tong, D., West, J., Wilkins, J., Marsha, A., Freedman, F., Vargo, J., Larkin, N., Alvarado, E., Loesche, P. 2021: A Multi-Analysis Approach for Estimating Regional Health Impacts from the 2017 Northern California Wildfires. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, 10.1080/10962247.2021.1891994
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O’Neill, S., Raffuse, S.M. 2021: Advances in satellite data for wildfire smoke forecasting. Eos, 102, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021EO155076. Published on 26 February 2021.
Xiaolu Zhang, Krystyna Trzepla, Warren White, Sean Raffuse, and Nicole Pauly Hyslop. 2021: Intercomparison of thermal–optical carbon measurements by Sunset and Desert Research Institute (DRI) analyzers using the IMPROVE_A protocol. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 14: 3217–3231; DOI: 10.5194/amt-14-3217-2021.
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Yazdani, A; Dillner, AM; Takahama, S. 2021: Estimating mean molecular weight, carbon number, and OM/OC with mid-infrared spectroscopy in organic particulate matter samples from a monitoring network. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 1867-1381; DOI: 10.5194/amt-14-4805-2021. Published on 08 July 2021.
Yazdani, A; Dudani, N; Takahama, S; Bertrand, A; Prevot, ASH; El Haddad, I; Dillner, AM. 2021: Characterization of primary and aged wood burning and coal combustion organic aerosols in an environmental chamber and its implications for atmospheric aerosols. Atmospheric Chemistry & Physics, 1680-7316; DOI: 10.5194/acp-21-10273-2021. Published on 08 July 2021.
Borgese, L., Bilo, F., Zacco, A., Frederici, S., Mutahi, A. W., Bontempi, E., Trzepla, K., Hyslop, N., Yatkin, S., Wobrauschek, P., Prost, J., Ingerle, D., Depero, L. E. 2020: The assessment of a method for measurements and lead quantification in air particulate matter using total reflection X-ray fluorescence spectrometers. Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 167: 105840; DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2020.105840.
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Burki, C; Reggente, M; Dillner, AM; Hand, JL; Shaw, SL; Takahama, S. 2020: Analysis of functional groups in atmospheric aerosols by infrared spectroscopy: method development for probabilistic modeling of organic carbon and organic matter concentrations. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 1867-1381; 10.5194/amt-13-1517-2020
Clelend, S.E., West, J.J., Jia, Y., Reid, S., Raffuse, S., O’Neill, S., Serre, M.L. 2020: Estimating wildfire smoke concentrations during the October 2017 California fires through BME space/time data fusion of observed, modeled, and satellite-derived PM2.5. Environmental Science & Technology, 54 (21), 13439-13447 https://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.0c03761
Gorham, K. A., Raffuse, S. M., Hyslop, N. P., White, W. H. 2021: Comparison of recent speciated PM2.5 data from collocated CSN and IMPROVE measurements. Atmospheric Environment, 244: 117977; DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117977.
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Jeronimo, M.; Stewart, Q.; Weakley, AT.; Giacomo, J.; Zhang, X.L.; Hyslop, N.; Dillner, A.M.; Shupler, M.; Brauer, M. 2020: Analysis of black carbon on filters by image-based reflectance. Atmospheric Environment, 1352-2310; DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2020.117300.
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Mueller, S., Tarnay, L., O’Neill, S., Raffuse, S.M. 2020: Apportioning Smoke Impacts of 2018 Wildfires on Eastern Sierra Nevada Sites. Atmosphere, 11(9), 970 https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos11090970
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Larkin, N.K., Raffuse, S.M., Huang, S., Pavlovic, N., Lahm, P., Rao., V. 2020: The Comprehensive Fire Information Reconciled Emissions (CFIRE) Inventory: Wildland Fire Emissions Developed for the 2011 and 2014 U.S. National Emissions Inventory., Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association, DOI: 10.1080/10962247.2020.1802365
Yatkin, S., Trzepla, K., Hyslop, N. P., White, W. H., Butler, O., Ancelet, T., Davy, P., Gerboles, M., Kohl, S. D., McWilliams, A., Saucedo, L., Van Der Haar, M. & Jonkers, A. 2020: Comparison of a priori and interlaboratory-measurement-consensus approaches for value assignment of multi-element reference materials on PTFE filters. Microchemical Journal, 158: 105225; DOI: 10.1016/j.microc.2020.105225.
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Yatkin, S., Trzepla, K., White, W. H., Spada, N. J., & Hyslop, N. P. 2020: Development of single-compound reference materials on polytetrafluoroethylene filters for analysis of aerosol samples. Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 171: 105948; DOI: 10.1016/j.sab.2020.105948
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Boris, A.J.; Takahama, S.; Weakley, A.T.; Debus, B.M.; Fredrickson, C.D.; Esparza-Sanchez, M.; Burki, C.; Reggente, M.; Shaw, S.L.; Edgerton, E.S.; Dillner, A.M. 2019: Quantifying organic matter and functional groups in particulate matter filter samples from the southeastern United States - Part 1: Methods. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques,1867-1381; DOI: 10.5194/amt-12-5391-2019.
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Debus, B.; Takahama, S.; Weakley, A.T.; Seibert, K.; Dillner, A.M. 2019: Long-Term Strategy for Assessing Carbonaceous Particulate Matter Concentrations from Multiple Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) Instruments: Influence of Spectral Dissimilarities on Multivariate Calibration Performance. Applied Spectroscopy, 0003-7028; DOI: 10.1177/0003702818804574.
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Hyslop, N. P., Trzepla, K., Yatkin, S., White, W. H., Ancelet, T., Davy, P., Butler, O., Gerboles, M., Kohl, S., McWilliams, A., Saucedo, L., Van Der Haar, M. & Jonkers, A. 2019: An inter-laboratory evaluation of new multi-element reference materials for atmospheric particulate matter measurements. Aerosol Science and Technology, 53:7, 771-782; DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2019.1606413.
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Reggente, M., Dillner, A. M., Takahama, S. 2019: Analysis of functional groups in atmospheric aerosols by infrared spectroscopy: systematic intercomparison of calibration methods for US measurement network samples. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 2287-2312; https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-12-2287-2019.
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Spada, R., Spada, N., Seon-Spada, H. 2019: Geographic disparities persist despite decline in mortality from IHD in California’s Central Valley 1999–2014. JRSM Cardiovascular Disease, 8: 1-9; DOI: 10.1177/2048004019866320.
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Takahama, S., Dillner, A. M., Weakley, A. T., Reggente, M., Bürki, C., Lbadaoui-Darvas, M., Debus, B., Kuzmiakova, A., Wexler, A. S. 2019: Atmospheric particulate matter characterization by Fourier Transform Infrared spectroscopy: a review of statistical calibration strategies for carbonaceous aerosol quantification in US measurement networks. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 525-567; https://doi.org/10.5194/amt-12-525-2019.
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Debus, B., Takahama, S., Weakley, A. T., Seibert, K., Dillner, A. M. 2018: Long term strategy for assessing carbonaceous particulate matter concentrations from multiple FT-IR instruments: influence of spectral dissimilarities on multivariate calibration performance. Applied Spectroscopy, 73(3), 271-283; https://doi.org/10.1177/0003702818804574.
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Kamruzzaman, M., Takahama, S., Dillner, A. M. 2018: Quantification of amine functional groups and their influence on OM/OC in the IMPROVE network. Atmospheric Science, 172, 124-132; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.10.053.
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Landis, M. S., Edgerton, E. S., White, E. M., Wentworth, G. R., Sullivan, A. P., Dillner, A. M. 2018: The Impact of the 2016 Fort McMurray Horse River Wildfire on Ambient Air Pollution Levels in the Athabasca Oil Sands Region, Alberta, Canada. Science of the Total Environment, 618, 1665-1676; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.10.008.
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Spada, Nicholas J., Cheng, Xiaoya, White, Warren H., Hyslop, Nicole P. 2018: Decreasing Vanadium Footprint of Bunker Fuel Emissions. Environmental Science and Technology, 50, 11528-11534; https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.est.8b02942.
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Weakley, A. T., Takahama, S., Dillner, A. M. 2018: Thermal/optical reflectance equivalent organic and elemental carbon determined from federal reference and equivalent method fine particulate matter samples using Fourier transform infrared spectrometry. Aerosol Science and Technology, 52, 642-654; https://doi.org/10.1080/02786826.2018.1439571.
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Yatkin, S., Trzepla, K., White, W. H., Hyslop, N. P. 2018: Generation of multi-element reference materials on PTFE filters mimicking ambient aerosol characteristics. Atmospheric Environment, 189, 41-49; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.06.034.
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Yao, J., Brauer, M., Raffuse, S.M., and Henderson, S.B. 2018: Machine learning approach to estimate hourly exposure to fine particulate matter for urban, rural, and remote populations during wildfire seasons. Environmental Science and Technology, 52 (22), 13239-13249.
Yao, J., Raffuse, S.M., Brauer, M., Williamson, G.J., Bowman, D.M.J.S., Johnston, F.H., and Henderson, S.B.. 2018: Predicting the minimum height of forest fire smoke within the atmosphere using machine learning and data from the CALIPSO satellite. Remote Sensing of Environment, 206, 98–106.
Spada, Nicholas, Hyslop, Nicole P. 2017: Comparison of Elemental and Organic Carbon Measurements between IMPROVE and CSN Before and After Method Transitions. Atmospheric Environment, 178, 173-180; https://doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2018.01.043.
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Kuzmiakova, A., Dillner, A. M., Takahama, S. 2016: An automated baseline correction protocol for infrared spectra of atmospheric aerosols collected on polytetrafluoroethylene (Teflon) filters. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9.
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Reggente, M., Dillner, A. M., Takahama, S. 2016: Predicting ambient aerosol thermal-optical reflectance (TOR) measurements from infrared spectra: extending the predictions to different years and different sites. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9, 441-454.
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Takahama, S., Ruggeri, G., Dillner A. M. 2016: Analysis of functional groups in atmospheric aerosols by infrared spectroscopy: sparse methods for statistical selection of relevant absorption bands. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 9.
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Weakley, A. T., Takahama, S., Dillner, A. M. 2016: Ambient aerosol composition by infrared spectroscopy and partial least squares in the chemical speciation network: Organic carbon with functional group identification. Aerosol Science and Technology; DOI: 10.1080/02786826.2016.1217389.
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White, W. H., Trzepla, K., Hyslop, N. P., Schichtel, B. A. 2016: A critical review of filter transmittance measurements for aerosol light absorption, and de novo calibration for a decade of monitoring on PTFE membranes. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50:9, 984-1002.
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Yatkin, S., Belis, C. A., Gerboles, M., Calzolai, G., Lucarelli, F., Cavalli, F., Trzepla, K. 2016: An Interlaboratory comparison study on the measurement of elements in PM10. Atmospheric Environment, 125(A), 61-68.
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Yatkin, S., Amin, H. S., Trzepla, K., Dillner, A. M. 2016: Preparation of Lead (Pb) X-ray Fluorescence Reference Materials for the EPA Pb Monitoring Program and the IMPROVE Network Using an Aerosol Deposition Method. Aerosol Science and Technology, 50(4), 309-320.
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Yu, L., Smith, J., Laskin, A., George, K. M., Anastasio, C., Laskin, J., Dillner, A. M., Zhang, Qi 2016: Molecular transformation of phenolic SOA during photochemical aging in aqueous phase, competition among oligomerization, functionalization and fragmentation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 16.
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Dillner, A. M., Takahama, S. 2015: Predicting Ambient Aerosol Thermal Optical Reflectance (TOR) Measurements from Infrared Spectra: Elemental Carbon. Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 8, 4013-4023.
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George, K. M., Ruthenburg, T.C., Smith, J., Yu, L., Zhang, Q., Anastasio, C., Dillner, A. M. 2015: FT-IR quantification of the carbonyl functional group in aqueous-phase secondary organic aerosol from phenols. Atmospheric Environment, 100, 230-237.
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Takahama, S., Dillner, A. M. 2015: Model selection for partial least squares calibration and implications for analysis of atmospheric organic aerosol samples with mid-infrared spectroscopy. Journal of Chemometrics; DOI: 10.1002/cem.2761.
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White, W. H., Hyslop, N. P., Trzepla, K., Yatkin, S., Rarig, R. S., Gill, T. E., Jin, L. 2015: Regional transport of a chemically distinctive dust: Gypsum from White Sands, New Mexico (USA). Aeolian Research, 16, 1-10.
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Ruthenburg, T. C., Perlin, P. C., Liu, V., , McDade, C. E., Dillner, A. M. 2014: Determination of Organic Matter and Organic Matter to Organic Carbon Ratios by Infrared Spectroscopy with Application to Selected Sites in the IMPROVE Network. Atmospheric Environment, 86, 47-57; 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2013.12.034.
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Note: this list is not comprehensive and will be updated to reflect available publications.