
Analytical Services

The Air Quality Monitoring Group of AQRC characterizes and analyzes microscopic airborne particles that cause visibility impairing regional haze, utilizing strict standards and published methodology. To learn more about these services or to place an order, contact Principal Investigator Nicole Hyslop or the method expert listed for each technique.

XRF Calibration Standards & Reference Materials

AQRC measures the concentrations of chemical elements in samples using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (XRF). We specialize in measuring airborne particulate matter sampled on filters but can also analyze liquid, solid or powder samples.

Our laboratory is equipped with five PANalytical Epsilon 5 XRF analyzers. Each analyzer can be programmed to use up to 15 secondary excitation targets, allowing the analysis to be customized to provide optimal sensitivity for the elements of interest with comprehensive coverage of the periodic table. For questions on ordering analytical services contact Nicole Hyslop.

Learn more about Epsilon products here.

TOA Carbon

The AQRC Quartz Carbon Lab is equipped with Sunset carbon analysis OC-EC instruments for Thermal/Optical Analysis (TOA). AQRC scientists and technicians analyze particulate matter collected on quartz-fiber filters for organic carbon, elemental carbon, carbonate carbon, and total carbon using a variety of applications. For questions on ordering analytical services contact Nicole Hyslop.

FT-IR Analysis of Teflon (PTFE) Filter Samples

FT-IR is a non-destructive which allows the filter samples to be analyzed by other non-destructive methods such as gravimetric for mass, XRF for elements, HIPS for light absorption, or destructive methods such as ion chromatography for ions or GC/MS for organic compounds after FT-IR analysis. FT-IR analysis and multivariate calibrations measure TOR-equivalent OC and EC, Functional groups such as aliphatic CH, carboxylic acids, carboxylates, non-acid carbonyl and alcohol OH (carbohydrates), Inorganic ions including sulfate, nitrate and ammonium, Soil elements and PM mass.

For questions on ordering services contact Ann Dillner.

RDI Sampling and Analysis

Rotating Drum Impactor (RDI) samplers collect size-segregated samples with variable time resolution. Multiple non-destructive analyses of RDI samples are available, including synchrotron-induced X-Ray Fluorescence (SXRF) that provides quantitative elemental data of elements.

Primary contacts: Yongjing Zhao and Nicholas Spada.