Job Opening: FTIR Organics Assistant Project Scientist, AQRC

Job Description: The UC Davis Air Quality Research Center seeks an Assistant Project Scientist for the collaborative development of an active research program focused on methods for measuring organic aerosol including Infrared spectroscopy and Aerosol Chemical Speciation Monitors (ACSM) and assessing trends, aging and sources of organic aerosol at US and international monitoring sites and field campaigns. He/she will help to determine research goals in consultation with the Principal Investigator.

Job Opening: Assistant Project Scientist, AQRC

Job Description: The UC Davis Air Quality Research Center seeks an Assistant Project Scientist for the collaborative development of an active research program focused on chemical analysis of ambient particulate matter samples from both IMPROVE and CSN national networks. He/she will help to determine research goals in consultation with the Principal Investigator, design specific projects, develop methods and techniques, trouble-shoot problems, interpret results and plan follow-up experiments.